6 min read

How to QUICKLY get out of a rut (in 7 steps)

How to QUICKLY get out of a rut (in 7 steps)
Sink or swim?

We’ve all been there. Those periods of time where everything feels like it's on pause.

Emotionally stagnant, lacking motivation for everyday things and each day blending into the next.

When you’re in a rut, inspiration will be in short supply.

You might find yourself feeling lazier than usual, struggling to muster up the energy for even simple things like tidying up or doing the laundry.

It's not just about feeling unmotivated; there's often a sense of being overwhelmed by problems at work or issues in your personal life.

These challenges can leave you feeling drained, both physically and emotionally.

Life starts to feel like it's operating on autopilot, and you might experience burnout. And even if you’re a super motivated and productive person, you’ve probably been in a rut at some point.

And because I’ve been here before, this is what this article is all about.

I’m going to go over the methods I use when I find myself in this position.

Just before we get into it I just want to preface that there is a big difference between being in a rut and depression. (And this article is not a substitute for seeking medical support if you’re suffering from depression).

So let’s talk about 7 powerful strategies you can use to get yourself of a rut.

1. Acknowledge that you’re in a rut.

You can't begin to climb out of a rut if you don't recognise that you're stuck in one.

Imagine a car stuck in the mud.

The driver defaults to revving the tyres, thinking that this will help them get out. When in fact the wheels just spin and they dig themselves deeper into the mud.

In the same way, denying that you're stuck in a rut only digs you deeper.

And it might be a hard pill to swallow but here's the thing: it's fine to acknowledge it.

So don't beat yourself up with negative self talk like I used to for not noticing it sooner or for allowing yourself to stay in this state for as long as you have.

The important thing is that you're addressing it now.

And if you find yourself denying it, you might stop yourself from making impactful changes.

So, accept it for what it is. Zoom out and see if you can understand why you’ve found yourself in this dread.

Self-evaluation is the first step to breaking free from the mud and finding solid ground again.

2. Exercise

What if I told you that there was this pill you could take every day that would increase your energy, boost your mood, improve your sleep and add years to your life.

Well that wonder drug actually exists. It’s called exercise.

And exercise is not just about burning calories or putting on muscle, it's about creating a positive ripple effect throughout your entire body.

When you’re in a rut, exercise might be the last thing on your mind but trust me, even just 15 minutes of intensity can work wonders.

During that time, your body releases endorphins which are neurotransmitters that act as natural mood enhancers.

They flood your system leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalised.

There are so many benefits exercise can have like boosting cognitive function, improving focus, and overall brain health.

On top of this, regular exercise can improve your self-esteem and body image.

As you become stronger and more fit, you'll likely feel more confident in your abilities and appearance, leading to a more positive outlook on life.

If you’re struggling with confidence, watch this:

This might change your perspective

It doesn’t really matter what exercise you choose. Could be a brisk walk, a short run or stretching in your living room to some music.

When I’m not feeling my best I like to just empty the tank and do a boxing workout on the heavy bag. I always feel really good afterwards.

Whatever it is try to make it a regular part of your routine.

But at the start, the main thing is to just move.

Because movement turns into motivation and momentum.

3. Practice gratitude.

This can really help because when you actively focus on the good stuff in your life, it's like flipping a switch in your brain.

Suddenly, the world doesn't seem so negative anymore.

You start to notice all the small things that you might have overlooked before.

So what you can do is buy a journal and make it a daily ritual to jot down a few things you're grateful for.

It could be anything, big or small, like a cup of coffee in the morning, having clean clothes or electricity. I do this every morning and honestly the effects are pretty amazing.

You'll find yourself feeling happier, more content, and just generally more positive about life. Positivity is a great place to start.

So, if you're feeling stuck in a rut, give gratitude a try.

Trust me, you'll thank yourself for it later.

4. Get planning.

I’ve noticed that the times where I’ve lacked motivation, purpose and just stagnant, I’m not planning things. There’s no schedule or routine to my life.

I just kind of go through the motions.

But when things are going well and I’m productive, energised and have clarity.

I’m organised and plan things. Creating a plan can be huge because it can help you to break down overwhelming goals into smaller, more manageable ones.

So if you're feeling stuck in a rut, don't just sit there and wait for things to change.

Get proactive, create a plan, and start taking those small steps towards a better you.

5. Spend time with positive people.

Think about it - we all have those special people in our lives—our partners, family, and friends who lift our spirits and make us feel better.

These are the people who have a positive influence on us and they can be a powerful force for pulling us out of a rut.

When you're feeling stuck it's actually quite tempting to isolate yourself and retreat into your own space.

But here's the thing: spending time with your loved ones can be a game-changer.

Their energy can be contagious and inspiring, and just being around them can lift your mood and renew your sense of purpose.

So for me, I make it a priority to reconnect with these people.

Whether it's grabbing a coffee with a mate or going for a walk with your partner, or having a family games night.

Carve out time in your schedule to nurture these important relationships.

Also - don't be afraid to lean on them for support.

Share your plan for breaking out of the rut you’re in, and let them be there for you along the way. True friends and family will always have your back and I’m pretty sure that they would appreciate the honesty from you.

6. Take a break

When life feels like a never ending cycle of stress and routine. One thing you can do is to take a break. It’s really simple.

Just give yourself permission to take some time off.

I'm talking about an actual break where there’s no emails or work-related stuff, just pure relaxation and doing the things you like.

This can really help by giving yourself a chance to recharge.

When I'm on set of night shifts and I’m working those long hours while the rest of the world sleeps, its feels weird.

It sometimes like I'm living in a different universe.

The exhaustion really starts to set in by the third or fourth night and by the time those shifts finally come to an end, I make it a priority to take a break.

Sometimes it's a spontaneous trip with my mates or a solo trip to a different city to relax and unwind.

And changing up your environment can help with creativity and generating new ideas.

For some people though traveling abroad isn't always an option because of commitments and it can be expensive.

But that doesn't mean you can't take a break closer to home.

A day spent unwinding in a new location can be just as refreshing. So - take a break.

7. Meditation.

In our hyper-connected society, we are constantly bombarded with notifications, work tasks, emails, texts etc.

It’s like our attention is being pulled in hundreds of directions.

But sometimes, what we really need is just a moment of silence.

I’ve done a video about meditation (below) so I won’t go into too much depth but what you can do is just find yourself a quiet spot in your house and take a seat.

Once you're settled in, close your eyes and focus on your breath.

Take slow, deep breaths in and out, letting each breath anchor you to the present moment.

As you breathe, pay attention to your thoughts. They might come rushing in at first, but that's cool. Just observe them without judgment.

The beauty of meditation lies in its simplicity.

And for me it really helps clear my mind and gain clarity about my thoughts.

So, the next time you're feeling overwhelmed, just take a few moments to meditate.

It can make all the difference.

With all the strategies I’ve mentioned, consistency beats intensity.

Just focus on showing up every single day. Track your progress. Celebrate small wins.

And you find yourself struggling, you don't have to go through things alone, if you reach out, people are ready and willing to help you.

You're not the only one who has ever been through difficult times, so reach out, and do not be ashamed.

Getting out of a rut won’t happen overnight. Success isn’t linear.

A quote from a great
"The wound is the place where the Light enters you" - Rumi

Go forth,


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